Mind the VUCA: Organizational challenges in uncertain times

VUCA age (shutterstock) What is VUCA and how is the concept used in our chaotic times? Nili Goldfein, CEO at NGG Global Learning Solutions, presents VUCA and what it has to do with management and organizations, and proposes a refreshing interpretation of the concept The term VUCA was first coined by the US military at […]

Stimulate leads: Why chase leads when you can find them in-house?

Stimulate leads (photo: shutterstock) While many organizations continue to dedicate enormous budgets to traditional advertising and others advertise only in the various digital channels, we mustn’t forget one of the most effective advertising channels every organization possesses. NGG CEO Rami Jaulus, introduces the advertising channel with the best conversion rate Stimulate leads: Organizations invest enormous sums […]

The ability to embrace change: Leadership in a Omni-channel world

What do leaders in a Omni-channel era look like? In honor of the new year, Rami Jaulus NGG CEO, talks about a world that’s changing before our very eyes and calls on us to embrace the change Social networks, websites, familiarity with products and services, and buying decisions – none of these is happening in […]

Infographics: Mentoring

Research shows that mentoring process contributes to the development and retention of talent in the organization. Here ate some interesting facts on the subject (infographics). We will address the mentoring issue on our next convention “Growing People, Growing Impact” in conjunction with Microsoft.

5 Mentoring Tips: How to make mentoring work for your company

Just before the NGG’s “Growing People, Growing Impact” conference, that will be held in conjunction with Microsoft, we are pleased to share with you our Mentoring Tips on how to make mentoring work. Strategy – Align Mentoring project goals with your company’s strategy Coherence – Make mentoring a part of the mentor’s and mentee’s wider development plan. Make […]

Changes in consumer habits

How changes in our consumption habits reflected, when working with large organizations such as banks, HMOs and automotive companies? NGG CEO Rami Jaulus, shows the changes required for strategical and organizational efficiency Changes in consumer habits and the development of multi-channel, as well as consumer habits, through various channels – such as Internet, telephone and […]

The Death of a Salesman

Rami Jaulus NGG’s CEO explains why shops will continue to exist although most merchandise is available online, and what is required in the retail business in order to adjust to the new situation? Purchasing decisions have moved from the retail space – stores, branches – to the digital sphere. Customers visit the stores less and […]

Who is the New Customer?

Data published in Omer Minkara’s research– “Social Customer Care: Steps to Success authored” – show the new customer continues to place challenges in our path, the service providers. We all fully comprehend the importance of customer focus and long term relationship management, yet in a complex, dynamic business surrounding, service management is in fact constant […]

Management Development in the Great World: 3 Tips for Effective Implementation

Throughout August, we are going to host HR, OD, and L&D managers in a peer-learning session devoted entirely to management development processes in a globalized world. During this conference, we will present Stratasys as a case study and host key individuals from Germany and Denmark.Just before the conference begins, we would like to present you […]