Organizational Transformation in Retail

retail industry

Ram Jaulus, CEO of Niram Gitan Group NGG, presents the changes that Israel’s retail industry experienced this year Organizational Transformation in a World of Disruption The retail industry – including food products, pharmaceuticals, fashion and more – is experiencing and beginning to understand the enormous change that is happening here and now. Consumers are abandoning […]

Clarity and customer centricity: how are these terms reflected in organizations?

Clarity and focus on the customer

Clarity and customer centricity (shutterstock) Today’s organizations must consider all of their partners – including their customers and employees. Nili Goldfein, CEO at NGG Global Learning Solutions, believes that business leaders must study these intricate relations, separate the wheat from the chaff and focus on what’s most important Sophisticated organizations that want to engage employees […]

What is an effective lead management system?

What is the source of leads for your organization? How do you manage them? Is there follow-up and integration of all the different channels? Rami Jaulus, NGG CEO, introduces the ways that organizations reach leads and explains how to manage them effectively Anyone who has ever worked in gathering leads know that leads, i.e. potential […]

Leads: The More the Merrier?

more leads (shuttersock) Everyone wants leads, leads, and more leads. But are people considering the number of irrelevant leads they get and the resources they have to waste to wade through them? Are more leads necessarily better? Rami Jaulus, NGG’s CEO has the definitive answer The natural inclination of organizations is to think that the […]

Millennials: How do they see themselves, and how are they perceived by their bosses?

    We sat down with Nili Goldfein (54) and Tal Solomon (26) to watch Simon Sinek’s video where he unpacks the phenomenon of millennials in the workplace. Sinek (1973) is a marketing consultant, world-renowned author, and motivational speaker. His interview on Inside Quest has become a viral sensation on social media and the hottest topic for watercooler talk. […]

Watch: The Values That Guide Us

Insight, Commitment, Innovation – these are the three values that guide us and we always act in accordance with them. Watch the special video we produced, to learn all about our three strong foundations.

NGG’s 2017 Kickoff

This week we gathered all NGG employees for the 2017 kickoff. Rami Jaulus, NGG’s CEO led the event and reviewed the past 23 years of the group. He described the challenges the company faced since its founding and up to the present, as well as the corporate growth of 2016 and the vision for the […]