Press Coverage

Press Coverage

London’s SuccessConnect summit: Day 1

We are at the annual Sap SuccessFactors summit in London – “SuccessConnect”. The first day of the SuccessConnect summit was designated for SAP Partners only. Few highlights

The Morning After

What should HR’s do in times of Corona aftershock By Nili Goldfein and Galit Diamant It is time to retrack our steps, catch our breath

What Killed the Travel Agencies?

The golden age of the travel agencies (Photo: Shutterstock) Disappearing jobs have been a concern for a while now. Travel agents and travel agencies are


Meaningful technological tools with the potential for improving work, output, and profit – are being underutilized due to mismanagement of implementation and application. NGG Global

NGG’s 2017 Kickoff

This week we gathered all NGG employees for the 2017 kickoff. Rami Jaulus, NGG’s CEO led the event and reviewed the past 23 years of

Gallery: 2016 Global Summits Summary

In the second half of 2016 we held a series of professional conferences, focusing on a global orientation. The conferences were led by Ms. Nili Goldfein,

Ask the Expert with Nili Goldfein

In any undertaking, there are those moments where albeit our knowledge, confidence and expertise, we feel like asking, confiding, comparing and especially echoing our gut

Humanness is Back in Business

How did Satya Nadella become one of the most admirable corporate leaders of our times, and how did he transform Microsoft into the most desirable

Infographics: Mentoring

Research shows that mentoring process contributes to the development and retention of talent in the organization. Here ate some interesting facts on the subject (infographics).

Having our back is the new black

Today, more than ever, corporate and public sector organizations must put their money where their mouth is, back up their public declarations and promises and

Watch: The Values That Guide Us

Insight, Commitment, Innovation – these are the three values that guide us and we always act in accordance with them. Watch the special video we

Changes in consumer habits

How changes in our consumption habits reflected, when working with large organizations such as banks, HMOs and automotive companies? NGG CEO Rami Jaulus, shows the

The vortex of needs

What is the vortex of needs and what distinguishes it from Maslow’s famous Hierarchy of Needs? A new post from Ram Jaulus, CEO of NGG

World of disruption project army

Once, readiness was the name of the game, and military personnel thought of readiness in terms of the ability to cope with different scenarios. But

retail industry

Organizational Transformation in Retail

Ram Jaulus, CEO of Niram Gitan Group NGG, presents the changes that Israel’s retail industry experienced this year Organizational Transformation in a World of Disruption

World of disruption project retail

The retail industry – including food products, pharmaceuticals, fashion and more – is experiencing and beginning to understand the enormous change that is happening here

The Death of a Salesman

Rami Jaulus NGG’s CEO explains why shops will continue to exist although most merchandise is available online, and what is required in the retail business

Educational Board Games for SodaStream

An Educational Board Game for SodaStream NGG’s Learning and Training Development Center specializes in creating and developing effective learning solutions, using a range of innovative

World of disruption project finance

Banks, insurance companies, investment firms, and credit card companies: in the finance industry this year, everyone got involved with everyone else. The big credit card

Gallery: Leadership Summit 2017

NGG was delighted to host the annual leadership summit: Living the Change, Leading the Change – Challenges of business leaders in the VUCA era. The VUCA era (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complex and Ambiguity) constantly challenges us


What’s Shakti Leadership? how do you get your organization ready for organizational transformation? and what’s the best way to become a leader with a subtle

Gallery: Mentoring Meetup 2017

Nili Goldfein & Keren Kohn Summary of a mentoring meetup held at the NGG offices. The meetup was led by Keren Cohn from Microsoft and


Education System with ADD

The world is changing rapidly, while the educational system stays behind. The system must adopt new models, processes and educational as soon as possible, to

10 Main Problems with Customer Service

From lack of professionalism, through dishonesty, to unavailability: the 10 main problems organizations face in customer service. These are issues that every organization that provides

And They Argued Happily Ever After

Why is excessive harmony bad for business and why is conflict crucial for organizational success? Introducing the Art of Argument: the soft skill every strong

Gallery: Round table in cooperation with TEVA

Moran Dahan (NGG), Goni Fishman (TEVA) and Maya Yemini (NGG) Last week we conducted a successful learning session with TEVA about  SAP Success Factors LMS implementation. Representatives from

Who is the New Customer?

Data published in Omer Minkara’s research– “Social Customer Care: Steps to Success authored” – show the new customer continues to place challenges in our path,

Leads: The More the Merrier?

more leads (shuttersock) Everyone wants leads, leads, and more leads. But are people considering the number of irrelevant leads they get and the resources they

Where do we go from here?

The future of Organizational Consulting in a Vortex of DisruptionOrganizational consultants will no-longer be able to manage the chaos of the post-Corona world unless they

True Leaders are Actually Mentors

(shutterstock) Nili Goldfein, CEO at NGG Global Learning Solutions, sees today’s managers and leaders as mentors. They don’t tell people what to do, they help

Love as an Operating System

More and more studies show how emotional factors such as caring, affection, compassion and empathy affect business performance. Emotional expression has become part and parcel

From vision to execution

The importance of precision: from vision to execution (shutterstock) Today’s organizations and leaders are measured by their clear statements and their vision, but not by