Understanding the customer’s current and near future overt and covert needs
Tailoring products and services to varied customers
Creating loyalty
Stimulating and creating additional needs
NGG Global Consulting Solutions for the Retail Industry
Establish a sales and service perception for the retail business to follow when interfacing with customers (in all channels: physical, telephonic, digital) and for HQ- chain/retail network interfaces.
Apply certification programs for the administrative level while focusing on sales and service system management: branch/site/shop management, sales and service team management, existing and potential customer management.
Provide tools, knowledge and skills to sales and service teams for handling customers according to the changed perception and management method.
On the job mentoring: training managers and employees to apply the tools and skills where they work.
Lead improved performance processes: provide tools for measuring sales, employees performance and comparing them using empirical tools.
Tailor and implement an extensive management system for a geographically dispersed network/branches based on expertise.
קבוצת נירם גיתן מובילה בישראל בתחומי ההתמחות שלה ובענפים בהם מתמקדת. הקבוצה פועלת ברחבי העולם והיא קבוצת הייעוץ הישראלית היחידה הנותנת מענה לארגונים ישראליים בעלי פעילות בחו”ל, ארגונים בינלאומיים וגלובליים